The One Club For Creativity

Explore how a leading creative non-profit organization streamlined operations, boosted engagement, and optimized their sales pipeline by implementing a unified CRM and marketing automation platform tailored to their unique needs.


CRM and Marketing Automation Implementation


Creative Non-Profit


The One Club For Creativity

Explore how a leading creative non-profit organization streamlined operations, boosted engagement, and optimized their sales pipeline by implementing a unified CRM and marketing automation platform tailored to their unique needs.


CRM and Marketing Automation Implementation


Creative Non-Profit


5 %
Increase in membership engagement
10 %
Increase in event participation
20 %
decrease in manual tasks, optimizing operations
1 %
Faster lead conversion rate


The One Club for Creativity, a global non-profit organization supporting creative excellence, sought to unify its marketing and sales operations. They needed to transition from multiple disparate systems to a centralized CRM to streamline processes, enhance member engagement, and align sales and marketing efforts effectively.



Strategic Onboarding and Data Migration

We seamlessly transitioned The One Club’s data into HubSpot, ensuring all existing information was accurately migrated and organized.


Marketing Automation and Audience Segmentation

We implemented advanced workflows and segmentation strategies to drive targeted marketing efforts and improve engagement.


Sales Pipeline Optimization and Integration

We optimized the sales pipeline for better lead management and integrated HubSpot with existing tools for a unified workflow.


Strategic Onboarding and Data Migration

To kickstart the process, we conducted a thorough analysis of The One Club’s existing data and systems. We mapped out properties for each object and optimized data structures, ensuring a smooth transition to HubSpot. Custom objects were created to represent awards, show counts, and events, while a comprehensive data migration was executed, preserving data integrity and accuracy.


The One Club for Creativity faced a significant challenge in transitioning from its disparate systems to HubSpot while ensuring that its vast and diverse data, including awards, show counts, and events, was accurately and seamlessly migrated. The complexity lay in mapping out and optimizing these data structures to fit within HubSpot’s framework without losing any critical information or disrupting their ongoing operations.


Our first step was conducting a thorough analysis of The One Club’s existing data and systems. We meticulously mapped out properties for each object—such as awards, show counts, and events—and identified the optimal data structures required for HubSpot. Custom objects were then created within HubSpot to represent these unique data sets accurately. Following this, a comprehensive data migration plan was executed, involving rigorous data cleaning, deduplication, and validation processes to ensure data integrity. Throughout the migration, we employed robust testing methods to catch and correct any discrepancies, maintaining data accuracy and completeness.


This strategic approach to onboarding and data migration allowed The One Club to transition smoothly to HubSpot without any loss of data or operational disruptions.

The new data structures and custom objects provided a clear and organized system, making it easier for the team to access and utilize critical information. As a result, The One Club was able to enhance its data management capabilities, leading to more informed decision-making and improved overall efficiency.
99.8% data accuracy post-migration, ensuring critical information was preserved without loss or corruption.
Reduced data retrieval time by 40%, enabling the team to access and utilize information more quickly.
Successfully implemented and optimized over 100 custom objects, allowing for more precise tracking and management of awards, show counts, and events.
Achieved seamless integration with existing systems, leading to a 35% improvement in workflow automation and reduced manual data entry.


Customer Behavior Analysis

We built sophisticated workflows within HubSpot to automate marketing processes, including lead nurturing sequences and event promotions. We also enhanced audience segmentation, creating hyper-targeted groups based on membership type and subscription. This allowed The One Club to deliver more personalized and effective communications, resulting in higher engagement rates.


The primary challenge for The One Club was to tailor their communications in a way that resonated deeply with each segment of their diverse membership base, ranging from emerging designers to established industry veterans. Previous efforts using a one-size-fits-all approach had led to suboptimal engagement and low participation in events and programs. The organization needed a way to increase relevance and personalization in their messaging to improve overall engagement.


To address this challenge, we implemented sophisticated marketing automation workflows within HubSpot, designed to cater specifically to the varied interests and needs of different member segments. This involved:

  • Creating detailed member profiles based on membership type, past engagement, and preferences.
  • Developing hyper-targeted groups for segmentation, such as ‘New Members’, ‘Active Event Participants’, and ‘Long-term Members’.
  • Setting up automated lead nurturing sequences tailored to each group, with personalized content for events, educational programs, and membership benefits.
  • Implementing event promotion workflows that triggered personalized invitations and follow-up communications based on member interaction and response patterns.


The introduction of targeted marketing automation and refined audience segmentation significantly enhanced member engagement and participation.

These results demonstrate how tailored marketing automation and precise audience segmentation can effectively boost engagement and participation in a community-focused organization.
Saw an average increase of 25% in email engagement across all segmented groups.
Event sign-up rates increased by 30%, with targeted promotions achieving higher relevance and response.
Member feedback indicated a 40% improvement in the relevance of communications, contributing to higher overall satisfaction.
Improved personalization and engagement contributed to a 15% increase in membership renewals, reflecting higher member satisfaction and value perception.


Sales Pipeline Optimization and Integration

We worked closely with the sales team to standardize pipelines and stages within HubSpot, creating a more efficient and transparent sales process. Additionally, we integrated HubSpot with The One Club’s existing tools, including membership management and event registration systems. This integration ensured seamless data flow and provided a holistic view of each member’s journey, leading to improved sales outcomes.


The One Club for Creativity faced significant hurdles in managing a fragmented sales pipeline that lacked standardization and transparency. This fragmentation resulted in inefficiencies and misalignments between sales and marketing efforts, impacting the effectiveness of membership renewals and event registration processes. The challenge was to unify the sales process within a single system that could integrate seamlessly with other operational tools, enhancing visibility and control over the entire sales cycle.


To streamline and optimize the sales pipeline, we undertook the following strategic steps:
  • Standardization of Sales Pipelines: We closely collaborated with The One Club’s sales team to redesign and standardize the sales pipeline within HubSpot. This process included defining clear stages for lead capture, qualification, proposal, negotiation, and closure, ensuring consistency and transparency across the sales process.
  • Integration with Existing Tools: We integrated HubSpot with The One Club’s existing membership management and event registration systems. This integration was meticulously planned to ensure that data from different sources was synchronized in real-time, providing a unified view of each member’s interactions and status.
  • Automation of Sales Processes: We automated key sales processes, including lead scoring, deal assignment, and follow-ups. These automations were tailored to react based on member actions and engagement, ensuring timely and appropriate interactions that moved prospects smoothly through the sales funnel.
  • Training and Enablement: To maximize the new system’s effectiveness, we conducted comprehensive training sessions for the sales team, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize the revamped pipeline and integrated tools efficiently.


The optimization and integration of the sales pipeline led to significant improvements in sales performance and member management

The integration provided a 360-degree view of each member’s journey, enhancing collaboration between sales, marketing, and event management teams. This holistic approach improved the alignment of strategies across departments, leading to a more cohesive member experience.
By standardizing the sales stages and automating key processes, The One Club experienced a 20% increase in conversion rates
The average sales cycle was reduced by 25%, enabling the team to close deals faster and more efficiently.
The unified system allowed for better data management and accuracy, providing insightful and reliable reporting that helped in making informed decisions and strategizing future sales efforts.

Project Summary

Consolidated Operations: By implementing HubSpot, our team enabled The One Club for Creativity to unify its marketing and sales operations into a single platform, streamlining processes and enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Increased Engagement and Alignment: The project fostered better alignment and collaboration between the sales and marketing teams, resulting in increased member engagement and more cohesive campaign execution.
Enhanced Workflows and Integrations: Improved workflows and seamless integrations with existing tools have equipped The One Club to more effectively pursue its mission of inspiring creativity globally, ensuring they can manage and expand their activities with greater ease and impact.

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