
An example of how to enhance lead quality and increase customer acquisition through strategic affiliate partnerships.


Affiliate Marketing


Pet Insurance / Fintech / InsurTech



An example of how to enhance lead quality and increase customer acquisition through strategic affiliate partnerships.


Affiliate Marketing


Pet Insurance / Fintech / InsurTech


28 %
reduction in CAC
Total New Partnerships
11 %
Increase in On-Page Conversion Rate
Months to Reach Unit Economics Affordability


Animalia, a leading provider of comprehensive pet insurance, sought to amplify its online acquisition channel and develop a new affiliate channel for mass media and content. Throughout this engagement, we had to overcome several issues mostly around partner quality, fraudulent policies and mass traffic.



Research, outreach and onboarding

We undertook a meticulous selection process to identify affiliates with a strong alignment to the pet insurance market.


Negotiations (CPA/CPL only), Maintenance and Content Push

We implemented a comprehensive tracking system to monitor the performance of each affiliate in real-time, focusing on key metrics such as click-through rates, lead quality, and conversion rates.


Targeted Affiliate Partner Selection

This involved analyzing potential partners based on their audience demographics, content relevance, and engagement levels with pet-related topics. We reached out to affiliates who demonstrated a significant following among pet owners and those involved in pet care. The outreach included personalized proposals highlighting the mutual benefits of the partnership and detailing the value proposition of Animalia’s pet insurance.


Animalia’s existing affiliate program had a large number of partners, but many were not well-aligned with the company’s target audience. This misalignment led to a high volume of leads that did not convert into customers, causing inefficiencies in marketing spend and missed revenue opportunities.


To address this, we embarked on a strategic process to identify and engage affiliates who had a strong connection with Animalia’s target market:

  • Audience Analysis: We conducted a detailed analysis of potential affiliates, focusing on those with a proven track record of engaging pet owners and those interested in pet care.
  • Demographic Alignment: We examined the demographics and interests of the affiliates’ audiences to ensure they matched Animalia’s ideal customer profile.
  • Outreach: We crafted personalized partnership proposals that highlighted the benefits of Animalia’s pet insurance and aligned with the affiliates’ content and audience interests. This included detailing how the partnership could mutually benefit both parties, ensuring a clear understanding of goals and expectations.


We secured partnerships with affiliates whose audiences were genuinely interested in pet insurance, significantly improving lead quality.
The higher quality of leads generated from these partners led to a notable increase in conversion rates, optimizing marketing spend and enhancing overall campaign effectiveness.

New partnership cadence: 8 per week

Traffic attribution (blended): 25%

Time to onboard new partners: 48 hours


Performance Monitoring and Continuous Optimization

Regular performance reviews were conducted to assess affiliate effectiveness and provide actionable feedback. Affiliates were given insights and recommendations to enhance their promotional strategies, ensuring continuous alignment with Animalia’s lead quality goals. It allowed us to quickly identify and address underperforming affiliates and refine our strategy to maximize the effectiveness of the affiliate program.


Even with better-aligned affiliates, there was a need to continuously ensure that the leads remained of high quality and that affiliate performance did not deteriorate over time. This required a robust system to monitor and optimize affiliate activities continuously.


To maintain and enhance lead quality, we implemented a comprehensive performance monitoring and optimization process:

  • Real-Time Tracking: We deployed an advanced tracking system to monitor affiliate performance in real-time, focusing on metrics such as click-through rates, lead quality, and conversion rates.
  • Regular Performance Reviews: We conducted regular reviews to assess the effectiveness of each affiliate. These reviews included detailed performance reports and qualitative feedback.
  • Actionable Feedback: We provided affiliates with insights and recommendations based on their performance data. This included tips for optimizing their promotional efforts and aligning their messaging with Animalia’s value propositions.

The ability to quickly identify and address underperforming affiliates resulted in more effective use of marketing resources, leading to a consistent increase in high-quality leads and improved overall campaign outcomes.

Project Summary

Strategic affiliate selection and continuous optimization significantly improved lead quality, leading to higher conversion rates.

The focus on quality over quantity ensured more efficient use of marketing resources, maximizing ROI.

The refined approach provided a scalable framework for ongoing success in the competitive pet insurance market.

MarTech Stack Used

Case studies